The Walt Disney Company hat mit der sogenannten Sequel-Trilogie zu “Star Wars“ die Fans gespalten. Jedoch hat man mit “Rogue One“ einen Film geschaffen, der nicht nur Fans, sondern sogar Kritiker milde stimme ließ. “Rogue One“ bietet nämlich die volle Packung “Krieg der Sterne“-Nostalgie im Gewand eines Kriegsfilms.
Eigentlich hätte am 31. August 2022 die ersten beiden Folgen auf Disney+ laufen sollen. Der Mause-Konzern hat die Prämiere jedoch auf 21.September 2022 verschoben und liefert, als Trostpflaster, gleich drei Folgen am Start.
Nun sind die ersten Stimmen im WWW aufgetaucht und diese klingen sehr euphorisch:
#Andor is unlike any @starwars story that we’ve ever seen before. @diegoluna_ is at the center of a stunning & dangerous world in turmoil. It’s gritty, mature, and the most intelligent and well-informed story we’ve had to date. Tony Gilroy is a genius. pic.twitter.com/pfZwlmZ0HD
— Maggie Lovitt (@maggieofthetown) September 16, 2022
Have seen the first 4 episodes of #andor and LOVE them. I’m so tired of watching the same #starwars characters and locations and ‘Andor’ is none of that. No Jedi. No lightsabers. No Tatooine. Tony Gilroy is leading what might end up as my favorite ‘Star Wars’ series. pic.twitter.com/wfubmYoBkP
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) September 16, 2022
I’ve seen the first 4 episodes of #Andor & it’s a big win for me. Very impressed by the story, filled out by morally ambiguous characters. There’s definitely some *Leo pointing to the TV* moments. All in all, it’s grounded, beautifully shot, & can’t wait for more pic.twitter.com/G9huor9TqX
— Meredith Loftus (@MeredithLoftus) September 16, 2022
Star Wars: Andor is incredible.
It expands the universe with dynamic characters and a complex story, all while honoring everything that’s come before. It’s visually stunning, unlike any Star Wars on streaming. Tony Gilroy has something to say with this series.
— Adam Lance Garcia (@AdamLanceGarcia) September 16, 2022
.#Andor is absolutely beautiful. The writing, cinematography, music, & acting were phenomenal. There were even moments of hilarity so it didn’t feel like dread (the feeling of the empire & location). Think Mandalorian levels. It was so good. The direction was just 🔥🔥🔥
— Laura ลอร’า 劳拉 (@lsirikul) September 16, 2022
#Andor is a dark and gritty spy thriller that provides fans w/ a perspective of the #StarWars universe. The first four episodes are populated with rich and complex characters like Andor and Bux, and has resonating themes that reflects upon the world we live in today. It’s so good pic.twitter.com/xWOP8p12Ra
— Michael Lee at #D23expo (@IamMichaelJLee) September 16, 2022
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